Monday, August 18, 2008

Slightly used husband for sale

Ok.. so.. we have Rock Band for our Wii and Bifton's playing the drums.. DH will NOT leave this poor child alone so he can ya know LEARN!! He is insisting on "keeping the beat" for Bifton and needless to say it's annoying Bifton and to be honest me.. So here's part of our conversation...

Bifton "Dad, stop you're bugging me"
DH "I'm just helping you"
Bifton "But it's not helping, I want to do this my way"
DH "Oh, so now you've had drum lessons have you?"
ME "Oh and you have?"

about 5 minutes pass and DH says..

DH "I've had more musical experience than you think"

So.. after knowing him for 15 years suddenly he's an expert on the drums!! Funny all this time I thought he played the Sax in HighSchool and College.. so either he felt the need to make himself feel better or he's living a double life.. I'm thinking he was trying to protect his ego.

I'm going to start bids at .01

Monday, August 11, 2008

Camping's fun!! right??

Oh the joys of camping, the loading the motorhome, the setting up of the campsite. The smoke, dirt and bugs. Trying to cook over an open flame that's about a billion degrees.. LOL Then ya get to go and do it all in reverse.. ugh!

But seriously, the kids love it. Even Bifton, who if given the choice would NEVER step foot outside. I'm thinking he's got and aversion to fresh air and sunshine. They ride their bikes and swim. Then there's the nightly ritual of s'mores and then bed. Nothing like sugaring up the kids and putting them to bed!

We'll go one more time this summer and then it's time to winterize the motorhome. Which should be interesting seeing as we've never done that..

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday afternoons suck..

My husband, children and I spend all morning and afternoon with family we have a huge lunch and then come home with little to no ambition.. So here I sit at 6pm thinking "crap, what's for dinner" Bifton seems to think he's always hungry lately.. which is really a good thing being that at 9 3/4 years old he only weights 58 pounds. But that doesn't help me solve the dinner dilemma. Tommorow is grocery day so there's nada in the house.. no milk, no bread..

I have a mounting list of things I need to get done, none of which I want to do.. the laundry which I was so excited to be rid of last week is just about to the mountainous stage again, the kitchen's a mess.. LOL I need a maid.. :) And a nap!

We have 4 weeks until school starts and then it's back to the 'ol grind.. man this summer went fast! Between the different camps the kids went to and camping. We've just been going every second and now it's August!

I suppose.. dinner's not going to make itself..
Happy Sunday