Monday, August 18, 2008

Slightly used husband for sale

Ok.. so.. we have Rock Band for our Wii and Bifton's playing the drums.. DH will NOT leave this poor child alone so he can ya know LEARN!! He is insisting on "keeping the beat" for Bifton and needless to say it's annoying Bifton and to be honest me.. So here's part of our conversation...

Bifton "Dad, stop you're bugging me"
DH "I'm just helping you"
Bifton "But it's not helping, I want to do this my way"
DH "Oh, so now you've had drum lessons have you?"
ME "Oh and you have?"

about 5 minutes pass and DH says..

DH "I've had more musical experience than you think"

So.. after knowing him for 15 years suddenly he's an expert on the drums!! Funny all this time I thought he played the Sax in HighSchool and College.. so either he felt the need to make himself feel better or he's living a double life.. I'm thinking he was trying to protect his ego.

I'm going to start bids at .01

1 comment:

Asphalt Widow said...

LOL those drums are hard enough to figure out without someone breathing down your neck about it! Tell DH to take a couple of chill pills ;-)